Thomas Dudley Plumbing Products has a commitment to comply with all relevant Environmental Policies, associated statutory legislation and approved codes of practice.

1. It is our policy to undertake all that is reasonably practicable to:

1.1 reduce the level of our energy consumption across all areas of our activity and to audit energy suppliers to ensure they are undertaking activity to promote the use of renewable energy sources.
1.2 continue our move toward the use of recycled packaging on all products.
1.3 use recycled or environmentally friendly raw materials in our manufacturing process and to ensure any third-party suppliers do likewise.
1.4 recycle equipment and waste products and reduce our consumption of consumables.
1.5 dispose of any hazardous materials in line with environmental practices.
1.6 to ensure our products are manufactured with a long-life expectancy in order to reduce the frequency of product ‘changeout’

2. In particular, it is Thomas Dudley Plumbing Products policy to:

2.1 design out waste during our new product development process.
2.2 reduce the volume of unsustainable materials consumed during the manufacturing process.
2.3 minimise / offset carbon usage where possible.
2.4 move toward the use of 100% recycled material in all plastic packaging.
2.5 look to replace plastic packaging with more sustainable options such as recycled paper pallet wrap.
2.6 work with strategic partners within the manufacturing and off-site construction sectors to deliver products in reusable crates mitigating the need for other packaging materials to be used.
2.7 carry out regular reviews and updates of this policy and other environmental control systems utalised by Thomas Dudley in its operations.
2.8 recycle all excess plastic waste generated in the injection molding process on site for reuse in the manufacturing process.

3. Good Practice

Thomas Dudley Plumbing Products operates a process of continual improvement regarding sustainability across all aspects of our operations, this includes:

3.1 avoiding the use of single-use plastics and providing our workforce with sustainable alternatives.
3.2 ensuring brochures and other promotional material is available in a digital format to avoid unnecessary printing.
3.3 encouraging suppliers to switch to environmentally friendly packaging.
3.4 all new equipment purchased will be energy efficient and designed to use less power.
3.5 installation of new software on all processing machines that will monitor and improve efficiencies and reduce power consumption when machines are in idol modes and power them down when not in continual use.
3.6 installation of timers on all machines allowing each machine to be turned on and off as and when required.
3.7 all cooling water used in our processes is contained within a closed loop system and is constantly re-cycled through our cooling systems. This water is replaced on an annual basis.
3.8 we reuse all cartons and other packaging wherever possible in order to minimise waste.
3.9 our office facilities are fitted with motion sensors for lights in order to reduce power consumption in unoccupied areas. The office building was designed with large windows in order to let in natural light reducing the need for electric lights.

4. Site Waste Management

4.1 all cardboard waste not utilised in the manufacturing process is baled and sent to a re-cycling centre.
4.2 all plastic waste that we are unable to recycle is sent to a licensed waste management site for processing.
4.3 All other ‘dry waste’ is collated in skips and collected by a Waste Management partner to be sorted and recycled on site at their facilities.

Our team members are asked to co-operate in the installation of this policy and encouraged to make a positive contribution to environmental protection by making themselves aware of our environmental policy and complying with all control measures that are in place.
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